Flourless and (almost) Sugar Free Cookies with Peanut Butter and Chocolate

Flourless and almost sugar-free cookies
Flourless and (almost) Sugar-Free Cookies with Peanut Butter and Chocolate

Valentine's Day is next weekend, and I've been experimenting to create a chocolate cookie recipe that was sugar-free. After lots of tries that weren't bad but not quite what I wanted, I decided it was worth using the tiniest bit of brown sugar to take the edge off the chocolate and add crispiness. These cookies only have 2 T brown sugar plus the small amount of sugar that's in the peanut butter, so they really are *almost* sugar free. If your Valentine is someone who wants to avoid sugar, for the South Beach Diet or for health reasons, I guarantee these cookies will do the trick. I even tried them out on the teenage son of my contractor and he pronounced them "really good!"  These would make a great Christmas cookie too, so I'm also adding them to my list of Christmas Recipes.

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