The Asparagus Set Back

One of the main motivations for documenting our son's experience with the SCD is that we cannot find testimonials other than: (1) I've been healthy for 5 years thanks to the SCD (but don't describe the journey towards healthiness), or (2) that the diet is difficult to follow (mainly from reviewers of BTVC). I really want someone to tell me to persevere and that this is exactly what I should expect....

So after 3.5 months on the diet, while we have a happy med-free kid, we still have the classic IBD symptoms. Slightly crunchy asparagus the other night with homemade hollandaise sauce did not do any of us any favors and added some pain for our son. At least, that's what I think it was!

We still need to get the allergy tests completed that were requested by the naturopathic docter. Who knows? Perhaps he is allergic to something that is hindering progress of the diet.

Not all is bad: he had a homemade "pumpkin pie" (under stage 2, made with butternut squash) for his fourth birthday this week and he just devoured it.