As soon as you have a chance to get some zucchini, try these barely cooked Zucchini Noodles with Tuna and Green Olives, yum!
Zucchini noodle season is coming, and personally I couldn't be happier about it. Ever since I discovered the Spiralizer last summer I've had fun experimenting with different ways to make zucchini noodles taste amazing. This latest zucchini noodle creation was born out of my love for Tonno Genova canned tuna in olive oil, something I've been buying from since I stopped finding it in my local stores. Yes, that's seriously how much I love this tuna.
The flavors here were inspired by my Tuna Pasta Salad with Lemon, Green Olives, and Cucumbers, something I've made many times since I created the recipe. Of course if you absolutely don't like tuna or green olives this recipe is not for you, but if you like those two things just a little, be open minded about this wonderful combination.
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