Recipe for Low Sugar and Whole Wheat Peach Pecan Muffins

Low Sugar and Whole Wheat Peach Pecan MuffinsWhen I posted the recipe for Low Sugar and Whole Wheat Mango Walnut Muffins and mentioned that I thought you could use that same recipe to make peach muffins, I wasn't really planning to post the recipe and photos of the peach muffins. But then I mentioned on Facebook and Twitter that I'd made peach muffins people started asking when I'd post the recipe, and I realized that if you saw Mango Muffins in my recipe index you wouldn't know that they could also be peach muffins. After I thought about that I decided I'd better hurry and post the peach muffins in case anyone still has peaches. So by request, here's the recipe for peach muffins which turned out to be so delicious I had to quickly freeze about half the batch because I couldn't stop eating them!

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