A few months ago I was sent samples of Adore Calcium supplements. I have been thinking that for awhile I really need figure out how to get more calcium in my diet. Since I am lactose intolerant I don't eat dairy so my calcium intake is limited. Yet, I just couldn't bring myself to buy those gross chewy chocolate supplements and even the gummie ones taste weird. Well welcome to my world Adore. To be fair I was very skeptical that these would taste good. I figured they would be chalky tasting like most chocolate supplements, but these were shockingly good. I mean really really good. To me these chocolate supplements are so good that I bet anyone could eat one and they would never know it was a supplement. In fact I gave some to my mom who is also lactose intolerant to try. She called me the next day and asked where could she buy them because they were so damn good. My only complaint about them and it is wicked minimal is that the milk chocolate has milk in it so if you are lactose intolerant like me you would only be able to enjoy the dark chocolate variety. So listen-I am serious how often do you get to eat chocolate and it was good for you and they are about 8 bucks a bag and contain 30 chocolates. . A few other pluses before I end this post. These babies are gluten free, no corn syrup, and contain 50% of your daily calcium in take. Go get some right now! Go, they are only just a click away.
Adore Calcium Supplements-A Product Review
A few months ago I was sent samples of Adore Calcium supplements. I have been thinking that for awhile I really need figure out how to get more calcium in my diet. Since I am lactose intolerant I don't eat dairy so my calcium intake is limited. Yet, I just couldn't bring myself to buy those gross chewy chocolate supplements and even the gummie ones taste weird. Well welcome to my world Adore. To be fair I was very skeptical that these would taste good. I figured they would be chalky tasting like most chocolate supplements, but these were shockingly good. I mean really really good. To me these chocolate supplements are so good that I bet anyone could eat one and they would never know it was a supplement. In fact I gave some to my mom who is also lactose intolerant to try. She called me the next day and asked where could she buy them because they were so damn good. My only complaint about them and it is wicked minimal is that the milk chocolate has milk in it so if you are lactose intolerant like me you would only be able to enjoy the dark chocolate variety. So listen-I am serious how often do you get to eat chocolate and it was good for you and they are about 8 bucks a bag and contain 30 chocolates. . A few other pluses before I end this post. These babies are gluten free, no corn syrup, and contain 50% of your daily calcium in take. Go get some right now! Go, they are only just a click away.