Recipe for Black Bean Salad with Fuyu Persimmon, Avocado, and Lime-Cumin Vinaigrette

Black Bean Salad with Fuyu Persimmon, Avocado, and Lime-Cumin Vinaigrette
I'm having such fun experimenting with the Fuyu persimmons that came in the mail from Andrea! This salad with persimmons, avocado, black beans, and a touch of lime was the second thing I made with persimmons, and I thought the combination of sweet and savory flavors was perfect in this salad. The idea of using lime-cumin dressing with persimmons came from a Fuyu Persimmon Salad in the L.A. Times that looked like a winner. If you're looking for persimmon ideas while they're in season, there was a good round-up of persimmon ideas at Good Bites, including my own Whole Wheat Couscous Salad with Persimmon, Grapes, Green Onion, Mint, and Pine Nuts, and the stunning Pan-Fried Brie Cheese with Persimmon Salsa Canapés that Dara came up with when I shared the persimmons with her. I've got two more persimmon recipes after this, so stay tuned!

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