Jelled Ricotta Pudding: A Reader Shares a South Beach Diet Phase One Dessert!

Jelled Ricotta PuddingI'm aware that many people read my blog who aren't dieters, but I do get a fair amount of e-mail from readers using the South Beach Diet to lose some weight. Back in October I heard from Janet, a garden writer and photographer from Toronto who told me that she and her husband had recently started South Beach. Janet said they did miss having something a little sweet after dinner, so she'd been experimenting with phase one desserts. She'd been surprised like I was how good the sugar-free Jello tasted, and she'd also tried the phase one ricotta creme desserts in the original South Beach Diet Book too. Combining those ideas, she mixed low-fat ricotta cheese with sugar-free jello and came up with a dessert she thought was pretty good.

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