Recipe for Spicy Stir-Fried Radish Greens and/or Swiss Chard

Stir-Fried Radish Greens and ChardI was intrigued by the idea of stir-frying radish greens, but if you're not that adventurous, think of this as a recipe for spicy stir-fried Asian-flavored swiss chard. I actually used a combination of radish greens and chard when I made it, and both were fresh greens from my garden. Even if you have a garden with lots of radishes, you may want to combine them like that, because radish greens do have a slightly bitter taste. Think about whether you enjoy bitter flavors like arugula and Kalamata olives to help you decide whether to make this with radish greens or swiss chard, but I really enjoyed the radish greens.

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