Friday Night Photos: Fun Times Meeting Food Bloggers at BlogHer '09


Last weekend I was in Chicago for the 2009 BlogHer Conference, where I had a good time hanging out with blogging friends and getting a few blogging tips. This is the fourth time I've attended the BlogHer summer conference, and every time it's been a growing experience for me. I'm a huge fan of BlogHer, which you can tell because I write for I support BlogHer's mission of promoting women bloggers, and have utmost respect for the organization and its co-founders Lisa Stone, Elisa Camahort Page, and Jory Des Jardins. Right now there is a conversation going on about what worked and what didn't work at BlogHer '09, so if you were there and have opinions, please go to and give your feedback. (So much more classy than writing some kind of rant on your blog about something that happened to rub you the wrong way.)

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