Whole Wheat Couscous Salad Recipe with Persimmon, Grapes, Green Onion, Mint, and Pine Nuts

Whole Wheat Couscous Salad with Persimmon, Grapes, Green Onion, Mint, and Pine NutsHave you ever cooked with Fuyu persimmons? I'd never even tasted them until a few days ago when a huge box of persimmons arrived in the mail! They were from Andrea of Rookie Cookery, who had offered to send me some when I confessed on Twitter that I hadn't ever eaten them. Thanks Andrea! I really like the subtle, not too sweet flavor of Fuyu persimmons. When a friend asked me to describe the flavor I said it was something like a cross between mango and apple. If you've cooked with Fuyus or eaten them, please chime in with a comment about how to describe the flavor and how you've used them in recipes.

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