Two Easy Methods for Perfect Hard-Cooked Eggs (and Recipe Ideas Using Hard-Boiled Eggs)

This post has two easy methods to make hard-cooked eggs that will give perfect hard-boiled eggs every time!

Two Easy Methods for Perfect Hard-Cooked Eggs (and Recipe Ideas Using Hard-Boiled Eggs) found on

It's getting close to Easter, and that means families everywhere will be making hard-cooked eggs and then dying them bright colors to go in Easter baskets. For years I just put eggs in a pan, added water, and boiled them, often with mixed results. Imagine my surprise when I learned a few years ago that there's a right and wrong way to make hard-boiled eggs. If you use the boiling-water soak method, your eggs will turn out perfectly every time, with firm yellow yolks, and no tinge of green or gray to the yolks.

And then through the miracle of Facebook I learned about steam-cooked eggs.  This method isn't new, my friend Michelle wrote about it back in 2011.  But somehow I missed that memo and only recently spotted the method of steaming eggs, which results in perfectly-cooked eggs with shells that slip right off.  Mind blown! 

If you're going to be making eggs for Easter, try one of these Two Easy Methods for Perfect Hard-Cooked Eggs.  I promise, you will not be sorry!

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